Lauren Tucker
Lauren Alloyce Tucker is a clinical psychotherapist working within the ADAPT Community Network at the Harry H. Gordon School, an early childhood center and preschool in the Bronx. Her clients are primarily children on the autism spectrum and their parents and guardians. Lauren is also a trained trauma therapist and has regularly volunteered her services to the community during difficult times such as post 9/11 and during the current pandemic. In the past, Lauren has worked in a variety of academic and clinical settings including George Washington University Medical School and Medical Center, and Seneca Melwood Treatment Center. Lauren is also a space exploration enthusiast, and amateur astronomer. She engages in public outreach for NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory as a Solar System Ambassador (JPL SSA) sharing her love of the cosmos with others. In her JPL SSA capacity, she organizes public programs on planetary exploration and human space flight and serves as a representative for NASA at various events. Lauren earned her Masters in Social Work from Howard University, her BS in Humanistic Psychology from Boston University and is a graduate of The Sidwell Friends School in Washington, DC. She is a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.
Lauren joined MasterVoices (then The Collegiate Chorale) upon her move to New York in the mid-1990’s at the enthusiastic recommendation of Robert Shaw and Mstislav Rostropovich (a former mentor), with whom she had just finished working on the Mahler Symphony No.8. It has remained her choral home and family ever since. Lauren joined the MasterVoices Board in June of 2019 as one of two elected members from the Singers Council, and was recently elected President of the chorus membership.
Lauren is the proud mother of twin boys, now in college and the human companion of two Maine Coon cats.